go free topo downloads
Wester Ross has become the ‘go to’ destination for Sport Climbing in Scotland. To try and keep up to date and put the information out for all to find and make use of, here are the latest versions of topos. Enjoy!
In the meantime, don’t forget, one stainless resin bolt will cost not far off £5 all considered (top quality stainless bolt, wear and tear on tools, drill bits, resin…) a lower-off is more like £30. So if you feel like making a financial contribution to development to help the crazy bolters do their thing, even encourage them, every little helps. The staff at NORTH WEST OUTDOORS in Ullapool will put the money in the ‘bolt fund’ otherwise catch Paul here at gofurtherScotland one way or another and he’ll bolt something in your honour….
The Topos: